A set of cast-in-situ and impact driven prefabricated concrete piles will be installed. Some of the piles have intentionally created defects. These piles offer developers and sellers of advanced pile integrity testing systems/equipment to show their developments and equipment on real life piles and discuss their ideas and quality with other researchers and clients, who can observe the latest developments.
The main goal of the field of pile integrity testing is showing new and innovative methods. The space for well-known traditional PIT is limited at the Demonstration, Testing & Prediction Event, but we like to show the progress in this method by a comparison of the methods for deeper defects.
New methods
We’d like to demonstrate the possible improvements by new more advanced PIT methods. These methods often require some additional pile preparation, that must be installed in the pile before or during installation. We are willing to prepare the piles for your equipment, but we have to know your requirements for pile preparation on due course.
We have the following questions for you:
- Are you willing to present your equipment at the demonstration day?
- What requirements does your equipment has for the preparation or installation of the piles?
We invite you to participate in this project. Please contact us by e-mail to sw2022@kivi.nl, so we can discuss the requirements and possibilities. Please respond before May 24th 2022.
Traditional PIT
The traditional PIT has limited reliability for deeper defects. We plan to evaluate the progress in this traditional method for deeper defects. Before the Demonstration Day all participants for the demonstration will have the opportunity to do their measurements in a quiet setting, to gather reliable data with their equipment.
We invite you to conduct pile integrity tests on these piles. Please contact us by e-mail to sw2022@kivi.nl, so we can organise time and transport. For this testing the applications of traditional PIT are also warmly welcome, to get a proper overview on variation in results.
All piles will be removed afterwards, and the real cross-sections will be determined. These data will be published together with the test results. We hope that the participants are willing to share their measurements with us before the extraction of the piles.
Appendix shows more information on the piles